Copyright © iJudo Club 2015 | All Rights Reserved
Copyright © iJudo Club 2015 | All Rights Reserved
iJudo offers Birthday Parties filled with activities for current and non members. We supply all the equipment needed so don't stress if you do not have a judo uniform and belt.
Contact Us today !
iJudo will run holiday programs for Primary School students during various school holidays. Open to members and non members regardless if you have never done Judo before. Current Members will receive discounted rates. Stay tuned to for advertisement of upcoming dates.
Contact Us today to enquire !
iJudo makes it a NO FUSS experience for Students, teachers and students as we provide all the equipement - Mats & Uniforms.
We can visit Primary and Secondary schools in the Whittlesea region to provide:
- Assembly Demonstrations
- After School Care
- 4-6 week programs
(School or Club)
- School incursions
- Meet an Olympian Day
- Health Week Units
Contact Us today to enquire !
The program is for established students that have a sound knowledge of Judo and have competed at state level or above. The YouTube clip below shows International Level competition.
The Adults program is for students 13 years and older, or students who are in high school. The class is for Beginners to Intermediate level students. Mixing the class gives more knowledge on the mat to assist any new comer at all times. Classes will involve learning different Judo techniques to be used in Randori (free practice), as well as in a self defence context as well. You are never to late to learn, come give it a try.
The Joeys program is for students 8 years and older, or students that are in Grade 3 - 6.
All classes have the same outcomes as the Mini Roos program but do challenge students further with their age.
The classes still have games but not as many converting to more drills and skills to assist in progressing their development.
The Mini roos program is for students 3 years and older, or students that are in Grade 2 and below.
All classes involve teaching Judo techniques and self defence through fun, enjoyable games. Adding to learning Judo and self defence, students would develop the following;
- Safe Falling
- Concentration
- Self Confidence
- Motor Development
- Balance & Coordination
- Contact Awareness